Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tips/Advice for July Holiday in Pineda De Mar?

Hi all

I am new to this forum and seek some advice from all you great people.

I am traveling to Pineda De Mar on the 25th of July for 5 nights with my wife and 4 year old son. Its our first holiday this year (and possibly last) so we want to make the most of it and enjoy it.

I've never been to Pineda de mar so know very little about it and what it has to offer.

So if anyone has been to Pineda de mar I could realy to with some advice on what to do and what to see.

I look forward to your reply.

Many thanks.

F.Tips/Advice for July Holiday in Pineda De Mar?
hi check this site out it will give information on all the best places to visit in pineda DE ma

http://www.affiliate.viator.com/brochure鈥?/a>Tips/Advice for July Holiday in Pineda De Mar?
contact me on dp141@hotmail.com ive just arrived home from pineda de mar

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Tips/advice from those who've lost +20 lbs?

I'm looking to lose about 40 lbs, because that is how much I am overweight. I'm a 5'6 190 lb female, 19 y/o. I know all about eating right and exercising.

I was wondering if anyone has any advice or tips, coming from their own experience?

I'm not looking to lose it fast, I know that's impossible. I would just like some inspiration and information from those who have been in my shoes.

Thanks!Tips/advice from those who've lost +20 lbs?
Try these good nutrition meals. It helped me lose 70 lbs. in 9 months, along with a workout program to help you burn calories and build lean muscle which helps you burn more fat and lean down and tone up. Good luck and email me if you need additional info. I have my clients on this and they love it and lose an average of 2 lbs. a week along with their workouts that I have designed for them. It is important to eat for what you are going to be doing in the next 3 hours. No/ low carbs if you are going to nap , carbs if you are going to be able to wrok that energy off.

*eat every 2-3 hours and smaller portions. eat 5-6 small meals a day


~1 陆 cups high fiber cereal with 1 cup of 1% or 2% milk or soy milk of your choice add 录 cups of blueberries or strawberries

~ 2 tbsp. of Acai berry juice (20 minutes before every meal ) with Sweet potato and grilled chicken breast

~ 1 cup of low-fat cottage cheese with a piece of whole grain toast 录 spoon of cinnamon and 录 spoon of splenda added

~ 1 cup low-fat yogurt with 陆 cup of berries of your choice mixed in along with a piece of whole grain toast with peanut butter.

~ 1 grapefruit with 2 tsp. splenda and a slice of whole grain toast with 1 tbsp. peanut butter

~ 1 cup of steel-cut oatmeal/ weight control instant oats from Quaker with 录 to 陆 cup of frozen mixed berries and 陆 cup of cottage cheese

~Scrambled eggs with very light cooking spray and any veggies of your choice and a slice of whole grain toast with 1 tbsp. of peanut butter

~ 1 Weight watchers bagel of choice with 2 wedges of laughing cow cheese or low fat cream cheese with sliced strawberries and 1 tsp. splenda

~ Oat bran bagel with cream cheese, 6 oz. of low fat yogurt and cantaloupe

~ 1 c. of high fiber cereal and 1 medium banana

~1 med. banana 录 c. almond 1 c. yogurt (mix together

Mid morning/ afternoon snack

~ Imitation crab meat salad with your choice of toppings

~ 1 apple and three graham crackers

~ Peanut butter and low sugar jelly sandwich

~ 陆 cup of raw baby carrots, 陆 c. of sliced and peeled cucumbers with light ranch dressing

~ 1 100 calorie pack of smart pop popcorn

~ 1 fresh and peeled pear cut in half with 2 tsp. of light mayo and 录 c. of 2% shredded cheese to go on top

~ 陆 c. hummus (homemade if possible) with 1 c. of fresh veggies

~ 1 serving of whey protein

~ 1 serving of casein powder

~ 1 South beach protein bar

~ 1 Fiber 1 bar

~ 1 Lite and fit yogurt with 2 tbsp. of grape nuts mixed in

Lunch and or dinner~ 2-3 slices of fresh low-sodium turkey breast, 1 c. of seedless red grapes, 录 c. of walnuts or almonds, and a stick of 2% cheese of your choice

~ 1 Weight watchers bagel of choice with 2 wedges of laughing cow cheese or low fat cream cheese with sliced strawberries and 1 tsp. splenda

~ 1 c. whole grain pasta with small grilled chicken breast tossed in a fresh basil extra virgin olive oil

~ grilled chicken breast, 1/2 c. of brown rice, 陆 c. steamed broccoli

~Lean hamburger on a wheat bun with light condiments and all of the veggies you can handle on it

~ grilled chicken breast, 1/2 c. of brown rice, 陆 c. steamed broccoli

~ 1 c. whole grain pasta with small grilled chicken breast tossed in a fresh basil extra virgin olive oil

~ grilled salmon, 陆 c. brown rice, and 1 c. steamed zucchini and squash

~ baked flounder, 陆 cup of brown rice, and 1 c. of steamed veggies

~grilled lean steak with grilled portabella mushroom caps and a side romaine salad

~Lean hamburger on a rye, pumpernickel or sourdough bun with light condiments and all of the veggies you can handle on it

~ 6 oz. of boiled shrimp, 1 c. whole grain pasta, 陆 c. steamed broccoli and 5 sprays of smart balance butter

~Grilled chicken breast romaine salad with your choice of good toppings (include some type of nut)

~ Imitation crab meat salad with your choice of toppings

Nighttime snack (before bed, important to keep blood sugar levels even through the night)

~ 1 serving of whey protein

~ 1 serving of casein powder

~ 1 South beach protein bar

~ 1 Fiber 1 bar

~ 1 apple and three graham crackers with 1 tablespoon smart balance or all natural peanut butter

My workout routine

I do a push pull workout on most days. 3 days a week i do strength training and the other 3 I do 65 minutes cardio moderate speed (3.5- 3.7)for walking on an incline of 1-2. For running, I run at a speed of 5.5-6 mph on an incline of 0-1, with 1 minute of warm-up before I run at 3.5 mph and for at least 5-10 minutes to cool down afterward. I stretch as well for approximately 5 minutes. I take Sundays off to rest and relax. Push pull for example is doing triceps extension with or without a break then doing biceps curls and adding reverse or regular crunches in there to make sure I get abs in and it cuts down on time. I do abs a lot to keep my core strong. I try to get all of the muscles in that area to work together on the same day. Do the amount of weight for what you want to accomplish. Say for toning, lighTips/advice from those who've lost +20 lbs?
Been there,done that and was successful. You seem to know everything you need to do to get the job done. All I really did was eat in moderation and I did cut back quite a bit with fast food especially and sweets like pastries. Drink a lot of water because it keeps you full. Eat healthy meals to keep you full and energized and don't step on the scale all the time because when you do and you don't see results right away you might get a little discouraged. I don't know if you have ever heard of the plateau which is when you start to lose weight and then for like 2 weeks or so your body doesn't really lose any more weight and that is just because your body has gotten used to the routine that you are on so in order to keep losing the weight you must switch up your excersises and or have a more intense workout. You could do that by walking more than usual or running more or adding different excersises. You will do fine!
the 2 major things that helped me was looking into the Glycemic Index (which I was looking up for other health reasons), and picking a specific exercise routine that targeted which section of the body I wanted to lose the weight in (I wanted to keep the big boobs but I wanted to lose the after-preggo belly underneath).
Dear, I've lost 60 lb, with hard work and starving BUT, I stumbled on this book just about two weeks ago. I still need to loose 16pounds to get fit, and this book is actually helping me. Better way by far than the one I've been using since 2003! The book is called 'I CAN MAKE YOU THIN'; by Dr. Paul McKenna. If anything else, it is helping me to really have a good relationship with food and see it from a different perspective. You can do it girl! Good luck to you.
Hey, Im 21 Yrs 5'5 and weight 185 I am 50lbs over weight as well. I have lost some manage weight when I finally out of school. I realize that my body was my problem and I just didn't take care of. So I decided to change myself not for no one but for myself. I use to be 210 when I started my quest. I decided to start small that way my body would get the hang of what its not use too. So every other day I either went for a walk or roller bladed, things that I knew that would be fun to me..That's the key, Find that one thing that you enjoy and each time you do it, challenge yourself Little more each time. Look I am where your at right now, its really hard to want something that you want so bad, but I know where your coming from. Long story short I went down to 164lb and love every minute of it. But happiest lol happen and I gain 20 back. But I am willing to try my hardest to get back on the weight-loss again. Look I hope Im not going to sound weird, but I think that if we talk to each other on Messenger, I think we will be able to give each other the support that we need. That's one thing I need the most and I not really getting here. You are just like me and I feel that if we help each other just by sating goals. We can do it. Do you watch biggest loser? cause we can do something like that. that's if you want too. Write back add me lil_Robinson85@yahoo.com. Thank.

Hints, tips and money saving advice for travelling around France Please?

Campsites? They are everywhere. Some of them are really basic: just a shower. That's usually the case in small villages. But even regular campsites with basic facilities are pretty cheap.

If you plan on taking the train very often, maybe buy a travelcard if you're young (although I'm not sure foreigners can buy them, but I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to) which will give you 50% (I think). I don't remember the details, though. I think you need to be under 26 or 25 to apply. But maybe not!

I tried to open their websiye, but it doesn't want to tonight. So, it's sncf.com if you want to have a look. It can be a bit difficult to understand everything, though, but you can always wait until you get there, anyway.

For food, you can have good sandwiches in bakeries. But you can also buy some bread and some p芒t茅 and make your own sandwiches. At least, you'll get to try local food specialties. Try to ask the butcher what the specialty of the area is: at least, you won't get bored! If you're more than 2, it can be quite cheap and you won't need to store it (you DO need to put p芒t茅 in the fridge, so if you can't, try to eat it quite fast). You can also buy ham and cheese, etc. As I said, if you're a little group, just share and it will be cheaper, and still good. Try different types of bread as well for a change. Same with ';saucisson sec';, which is very good, and any type of ';charcuterie';. remember that there are local variations on cheese and charcuterie, so you might just as well try food from the area.

I don't know what your budget is at all, so... But if you have a bit more money, you can go to ';maison d'h么tes';, where they'll serve you food from the area.

Places where a lot of tourists go are often overpriced and not that good. Of course, if you go in August, there will be tourists everywhere, so that info might not be very helpful.


What would you have done? Helpful exercises for very hot, SENSITIVE gelding that has a strong hate for other trainers? He is 14 years old, been an event horse most of his life, brain is relatively fried and we are rebooting it. SUPER scopey over fences, brave as hell. Wonderful movement when not tense.

I am hoping this will be my Rolex horse in a few years. What do you think?

Get out of the arena. Get on the trails and the only jumps he does in in nature....clean up his mind, forget about his form, let him be a horse and just keep him in shape on the trails. (the rougher the better)....he won't forget what he knows, don't worry about that, he just doesn't need any more discipline right now...good luck.Tips/Advice/Potential?
What is he getting fed? I would be sure to have him on a low

Protein low sugar diet. I was wondering what happens if you just let him lope out some of that energy. Does it just make it worse? Or does it take some of the steam off? Like a couple of the other answers said, take him out of the arena for a while. Not just a day or two, but a week or two and see if that helps. Lots of trail rides would really help keep his mind fresh. You might could try taking him over some obstacles. Not big jumps, just fallen trees, creeks, brush, around trees/rocks and such. If you can ride him this way, that would be good to just give him some rein. Don't make him stay collected all the time. It might help him relax.

You have a great seat, and don't apologize to anyone because you have scoliosis. It's part of who you are.

Good luck with you awesome horse!
Lovely looking horse, has gr8 natural movement, he is very tense though %26amp; doesn't look to be particulary enjoying himself all that much, he definately needs some extra flexibility work, lunging combined with some loose rein work, pretty much just letting him choose his course %26amp; speed (as long as it's not a full flat, out of control gallop) so he learns to enjoy himself.

If i was you %26amp; you have the time, I would do a lot of ground work, building a strong trusting relationship with him, just simple confidence building things like, having him stand still %26amp; complient while you climb all over him etc.

I have trained %26amp; re educated many horses for people who ride in all different disciplines %26amp; this is one thing i recommend they do once having there horse nome with them, many say ';oh isn't that just natural horsemanship hype' my response is 'no, it's just building a foundation with your horse.

Many amazing horses will not allow more than 1 trainer to work with them, my stallion who has now passed was like that, very hot headed %26amp; many considered him to be dangerous, i got him when he was 7 %26amp; relatively unhandled, i succesfully showed him in 3 different disciplines over the years %26amp; did very well. Put another rider on his back, or present him with another trainer %26amp; he went back to his old ways. Some horses are simply one person horses, especially if they have been mistreated.

Best of luck
I've seen a lot of show horses just get ring sour over the years, and the best thing for them is some time off, and relaxation, and not so much cranking to get the job done all the time.

I would start desensitizing him to things a little bit if he's really touchy. Get him deader on his sides, maybe longe him with a western saddle with the stirrups bumping him until he doesn't care any more. If you don't want to do that, you can always work small circles, bending his head around, and bumping him with your leg until he gets deader on his sides. The whole goal is for him to NOT jump out from underneath you when you squeeze a little bit.

Take him out to places with a lot of activity, and just longe and longe and longe him until the situation doesn't stress him out anymore.

Take him on long trail rides, where he can just walk and be a horse and socialize with other horses.

The idea is to get him used to everything, and realize that its okay for him to be nervous, he can take the time to run and buck on the longe line, and he won't get in trouble. He needs to learn that he's not going to get crucified with somebody's legs, and he needs to learn how to have fun while being ridden again.

When you get back to working him undersaddle in the ';show'; type atmosphere, make sure you longe him before riding, then just walk him around for 30 mins before getting to work. Just walking my gelding around at shows mellows him out, lets him see everything, and just sets the ';pace'; for the day.

If your guy gets nervous in commotion you can also tie him near a riding ring, and just make him stand there for an hour and settle down. We tie our yearlings by our arena while we ride so they get used to people zooming by, and then when we start them, all the horses milling about doesn't bother them.

If you like the horse, and he's good at fences, and thats your goal with him, put a few months into figuring out his brain, and I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun together. Good luck!

Tips/advice for year 11?

I am going to start school tomorow..

and I really want to do well in my GCSE's

By not being big-headed..

My grades are usually above average. I am in top set for most classes. I normally get A*/A grades.

But.. I am extremely lazy.

I only work when I am properly motivated.

Otherwise, I do not work. I always find something else to do. Whether its listen to music, use the net, watch tv, or something that impossible to not do - daydream.

Year 10 was not a great year, I relied on year 11 to work harder.

Any tips/advice?

All answers appreciated

xTips/advice for year 11?

I am also starting year 11 in a few days - Summer holidays are over :(

This is the most important school year I think because it is filled with sixth form applications, college applications, and starting on your resume (CV) I think.

The best thing to do, is (well you seem to be doing very well on your grades you clever thing) the best thing, is not to let everything stress you out, and get on top of you - coursework/assignments etc. and that will help you a great deal because you have less things to worry about.

Keep the faith in yourself and believe that you can do it - if your self esteem lowers, you feel that you cannot do it, or will fail, and you are likely to perform less in your subjects and home life.

Try to balance social life with school life - do not do too much work so you are not with friends, and do not do too much socialising as so you forget your school work.

Good luck!Tips/advice for year 11?
I start Year 11 on Friday Year 10 was a horrible Year and it made me really hate school.Now I just don't have any will power. If I don't do good in my gcse's then I won't get into college or get a good job. Your grades sound good anyway If I was you I wouldn't be worrying since it's your last year and everyone wants to do good get like a little study group together do things with your friends I find it easier that way.. Good look for school tomorrow x
wow, your just like me, same situation. uhm, in our year 11, we start mock interviews, get exam results, do exams, apply for colleges/sixth forms. if you get distracted by the net, revise online the night before an exam, usually helps me. sites like www.samlearning.com. oh and i used to draw huge spider diagrams on paper, stick it to my ceiling and revise every night :) it's effective, and kinda looks funny :) email if anything else :D x
im starting year 11 soon too, im like u aswell im in the A/A* grades but work with proper motivation. hmmm advice....erm.........just keep up the grades you're at now and you'll do fine in year 11.


NOT. lol.
im 36 and didnt do well in school ive also learnt more from real life than i learnt in school.
  • help blackheads
  • Tips/advice for a cruise/destination wedding to Cozumel?

    I am planning a 4 night cruise wedding to Key West and Cozumel, getting married on shore of Cozumel in March2010 through carnival. I am in the early planning process and could use any tips or advice for somebody who has had or attended a cruise wedding. We are paying 75% for bridal party and immediate family totaling 18 people in order to ensure that our loved ones can attend. I am very aware that many people will not be able to go for financial reasons but the whole point is for this to be more personal/intimate. Oh, and this is NOT our honeymoon. Wondering if booking the ceremony and reception is a better deal through the cruiseline or a private planner on the island. Also talking to carnival their group specials are pretty poor, anybody know a good place to find a better deal for large groups? Any specials tips or advice to help make this process smooth would be great!Tips/advice for a cruise/destination wedding to Cozumel?
    I just wanted to pass along some info about a recent destination wedding for a family that was on a recent cruise with us...

    The young couple plus about 15 family and friends were on a Carnival cruise in Dec and were scheduled to be married in Cozumel on the port day.

    The ship was delayed in departing and the cruise line changed the port of call to Progresso.

    The young couple were devastated and of course, lost all of the monies they paid to the wedding location.

    Push your cruise planner to detail a contigency plan if your port of call gets changed...you won't get your money back from the wedding location but at least get the cruise line to comp an on-board ceremony.

    Ask the cruise planner for other comps for your large group...picture credits, VIP embarkation/de-barkation, soda cards, spa treatments, cabin upgrades instead of reduction in fares.

    Also, be sure to plan for the costs and time for your guests to obtain passport or passport cards. They will be required for 2010 sailings.

    Good luck.

    Tips? advice what you think please answer!?

    Ok, so i posted how i was concered tht i was going to have twins cuz my dr said it seemed like i was a lot further along than 7 weeks.... Well today I went for an ultra sound, they were having a hard time finding the sac or the baby.. Then they gave me the other ultra sound where they stick tht thing up in u. Sorry I do not know what it is called... Ok well more with my story, when they had done it that one they did see the sac, but they could NOT measure the baby. Only because i'm not as far along as we thought. I'm only 5 weeks... So question... Why would the dr. think im further along than 7 weeks...? Why would I be measuring bigger by my utures ((i think tht is wht u want to call it?)) I do have a tilted pelvic.. Could that be why? Could I be having a big baby? Or could I be having twins? I have already gain 6 lbs. and my clothes do seem to be getting tighter on me... Any please give me your opinion and what you think please? Im just curious? My next drs app. isnt untill June 1st either....Tips? advice what you think please answer!?
    Everyone is different. Some people gain weight faster than others. Also you may just have a lot of amiotic fluid, the fluid around the baby. Just don't stress out over something as small as this. Good Luck!Tips? advice what you think please answer!?
    Hi there, honey even though you are not due for another month, please know that if you have all of these questions you should call and have them answered for you. Do not let yourself worry, as it is not good or healthy for you or the baby. That is what the doctor and nurses are there for, to help you understand what is happening with your body and your baby. Do not be afraid or feel shy or stupid for speaking up. This is how we learn. This is our rights. I am sure if anything was wrong the doctor would be aware of it, but like I said, please speak up. We have to sometimes to put our fears to rest.

    I wish you all the luck and when you have your baby you will know what a true blessing is. (You better get lots of sleep right now, because shortly you probably won't be.) Ha. Aunt DeeDee.