Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tips? Advice? Easy 10 Points?

I don't know If this has anything to do with the problem but I have severe Anxiety And OCD. I often suffer from Panic Attacks with symptoms that include Nausea, Vomiting, Shaking, Dizziness, Light-headidness, And an intoxicating sense of fear.

The problem is, That when the slightest thing happens, For example, If my boyfriend doesn't tell me he loves me fairly regularly, I'll worry and believe that he doesn't Love Me at all. I CONSTANTLY need reassurance that the people close to me aren't going to abandon me, And I don't even like talking to them about it because to me, I just sound like a hindrance.

What can I do to make this a bit better for myself?

Thanks xTips? Advice? Easy 10 Points?
Have you ever tried battling these thoughts with positive constructive debate back to yourself. Example'; he didn't tell me he loved me this morn before he went to work. Come back at yourself and say Don;t be stupid he said i love you right before we went to sleep nothing happened between then and the time he walked out the door for work.

counter those negative thoughts with a positive thought in any way you can even if you call yourself stupid sooner of later you won't be so worried be cause you talked yourself out of that tree.And you will start trusting your own reassurances and not need constant reassurance from other people.

I hope you get well soon and these thoughts of mine commited to ;yahoo answers;help in a positive fashion.

Keep up the good work of taking action and recognition of your disability.Tips? Advice? Easy 10 Points?
There are things you can do to manage stress and anxiety and I am sure if you follow the advice below, you can make things a little easier for yourself. Managing stress is a lot to do with making some changes in your lifetsyle and making sure that you can relax, sleep better and so on. I went through all this and I was saved by just reserving some time for myself and leaving the office early on some days. The pressure at work was enormous and I lived in constant fear of everything collapsing around me ! Then I was hospitalized twice - it was all ANXIETY and STRESS.

I hope you get better soon and can begin to lead a less fearfiul and worrying life.


PS. Why don't you give your boyfriend a little break from the constatnt worrying and just enjoy yourselves more ? After all, he must be feeling the pressure too, so try to make it easier for him.


I definitely agree with the last answer and also wanted to add that my husband also has OCD and pretty severe anxiety/panic disorder and he has done very well with counseling and medication therapy. Talk to your regular physician about what's going on and he/she will be able to help you figure out your next step. I promise you, there is help available and there are LOTS of people out there that are going through the same things as you! Everyone deserves to be happy. I wish you the best of luck! :0)
LOL! ALL women need to be told 'I love you' every so often. They just need to hear the words. You're not unusual in that.

Counselling might help, at least it's worth a try. Also there are drugs now that really can help with OCD and panic/anxiety disorders. They work very well for some people, not so well for others. You might start with your doctor, explaining the problem and seeing if he has any ideas.

Women need to be told they're loved, guys can tell by the way you act. You obviously have problems more than just 'attitude', but you should try to learn to relax and have some confidence in yourself. Your BF loves you because you are lovable. He's not going to just suddenly wake up some morning and decide he's fallen out of love with you. If you are in doubt, give him a hug and you'll feel better right away. Learning to feel better about yourself will help a lot, though it won't solve the anxiety and OCD problems completely.

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