maybe you should break up with him. sounds kind of like you've lost the love/passion for him.Can someone give me any tips or advice on how to stop cheating my boyfriend?
your cheating on your bf?? if you are then thats f u c k e d up
Tell your boyfriend you've been cheating. He'll either break up with you or monitor your every move. Either way, it's stopped.
are you jreally that thick that you think we can give you a tip and it will magically stop you from being used by men your just one of these fools that takes it as a compliment if another guy wants to be with you wheres a woman with a brain can see shes just being used your nothing special to these men your just a heart beat you breathe you do the job bet they wouldnt want you as a partner you will stop im sure when you have hiv or some nasty disease grow up and let your boyfriend get himself a nice clean girl your a fool
Yes: Have some b a l l s and cut him loose. Dont be so weak keeping him around just because youre too afraid to be on your own. You gotta do the decent thing and let him go
Break up with him - no one deserves that kind of treatment - and be honest and straightfoward and tell him you want to be with other men.
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