Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tips/Advice for dealing with a 14 year old boy with Aspergers??

Hi, I'm 18 and my cousin is 14. He has Aspergers syndrome and is increasingly difficult to deal with. He has a SUPER negative outlook on life, no social grace what-so-ever, and is quite demanding and attempts to be very controlling with his 9 year old sister (as well as myself at times). Sometimes if his sister bugs him even a little he will resort to hitting, kicking, pushing and says things like ';She's BEEN deserving a beating for a LONG time!!'; Also, he is horrible at listening to a word I say, whether it's in scolding or simply conversational. I nanny for the kids 5 days a week, and I just need some tips or advice on how to deal with him (especially when he gets into it with his sister). Punishments seem to have no effect but to make him even more angry. I'm nearly at the end of my rope! HELP!!!Tips/Advice for dealing with a 14 year old boy with Aspergers??
He needs discipline. Don't let things slide because he's got Aspergers. If he does wrong, then warn him of the consequences. If he carries on misbehaving, punish him and no matter how much he plays up, don't go back on your word. Be firm and persistent. Tell his parents.

Does he realize how horrible he's being to his sister ? Tell him. I have got a brother 5 years older then me and i would hate it if he was constantly getting angry at me and picking on me. Teach his sister how to deal with it. Like encourage her not to hit back and things like that. If his behavior persists, chances are his school will inform social services. Especially if he's leaving marks on his little sister.Tips/Advice for dealing with a 14 year old boy with Aspergers??
thats really hard because he actually has something wrong with him. you CANNOT let him hit his sister or you tho. talk to the parents. make sure they talk to his doctor. hes emotionally unstable. if he already hurts his wil only get worse. he might hurt her SERIOUSLY. the biggest issue is everyones safety.
Talk to the parents about it and they should give him a talk.

If they don't, just say you can't handle him.

If their talk doesn't help anything, just leave him alone and tell his sister to do the same. nothing gor u. i was gonna say punishment, but u said it didnt work. see if his doctor could prescribe something for him
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