I can't give you a massive explanation like the first answerer, but I can say ...
Don't let anything in the way of your dreams.
=DI dream of leading a rock garage band one day but i have spasmodic dysphonia. help, tips, advice?
I looked it up on wikipedia, apparently ';Surprisingly, the spasms are usually absent while laughing, singing, speaking at a high pitch or speaking while breathing in. Stress, however, often makes the muscle spasms more severe.'; So I think you can sing pretty well, even if you have spasmodic dysphonia. I just think you need some practice, since you have spasmodic dysphonia, you'll have to work a bit harder than the rest of us, BUT if you have a great voice, and know how to sing, you'll be able to conquer this and sing kick-***.
I suggest you start with a few online singing lessons [like controlling breathing, warm-ups etc] to see what you can and can't do, then try singing along with your favorite songs and see how you do. If you are frequently short of breath, or can't hit a note, try harder, and try to achieve it. If you can't, move on to another song! This way you'll know what you can do well and what you can't do so well, and you can take that to your advantage and work on your better points and improve them!
Remember, stress makes the spasms worse, so keep off stress. Try to be happy, if singing makes you happy, you won't have spasms during singing! And that's a great thing :)
Oh, more last thing-keep off foods that make your throat sticky or affect your voice. For example, Avril Lavigne keeps off dairy foods because they affect her voice or something. So try to keep off anything that ruins your voice =]
Good luck! =]
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