Thursday, July 29, 2010

I need advice on Cross Country and tips please.?

its my first year running cross country and im going into 11th grade, how do i improve enough to place at my meets? i mean i run 3 miles a day on average but how can i get good or even great by the end of the season. i run track too, the 800 and i run it in a 2:15.42. I just need training tips or even how you have improved or times..maybe even a better understanding of cross country like the shortest and longest distances. thanks :)I need advice on Cross Country and tips please.?
Ah, new to XC then? Don't worry, you'll enjoy it.

One major, and i do mean major, thing is that you have the dedication. If you go and slack off, you won't be nearly as good as you could be.

however, i don't believe you will slack off. Run your workouts as they are planned. Try not to go too fast early on, because later in the workout you'll pay for it, and it may throw off the entire workout.

In terms of distance, there really only is one race. it's 5k, which is about 3.1 miles. Some areas have novice races, which are shorter races for newbies.

Something to understand for XC is that it is a long race. You can't go out as if it was an 800, because you'll burn out very quickly. Try to jog (lightly) the course you'll run the day of or the day before the race. This'll give you an idea of areas you can use as ';checkpoints';, so to speak. ';Oh, i'm at that sharp turn, almost done...';, things like that.

Just like in the 800, it is important to kick hard. the 5k is long, so sometimes it's very hard to kick. However, it gives you a major edge over the others.

When you're nearing the end of the race, something i find works is to ';count the shirts';. What this means is, run hard, and count how many in front of you you can catch. sometimes you'll lose count, and that's fine.

another tip is to ';shut up and run';. In other words, don't overthink or overanalyze the race. Run it to the best of your ability, don't be inside your head the whole time.

Good luck, and enjoy!

~AbabI need advice on Cross Country and tips please.?
Ab has some good points. It is very important to stick to your own pace. It is very hard (even for us experienced distance runners) to keep yourself from going out too fast in the first few minutes. Your 800 experience will help you towards the end of the race, but don't start the race that fast.

Training - the most important thing to do for a race is to train smarter (not necessarily harder). Since you are training for 5K's, train for 5K on a regular run day. Have one ';speedwork'; day, like doing reps of 400's at 90%. Also have a ';long'; day, where you go 4-5 miles at a very easy pace. This will increase your ';gas tank';. Make sure on this day that you keep your heart rate down, as it will increase your VO2 max (measure of cardio fitness). One last aspect is nutrition. You probably know what is good for you, being a track star. But for building those endurance muscles, get a supplement. Pros usually go for either Accelerade, Endurox, or Optimum Whey (protein shake with BCAA's) within the 30 minute window after their run. Good luck!!!
i would run about four 400 meter sprints along with the exercise you are already doing. start lifting light weights as many times as you can with your legs and your arms. do two of these sets every other day and run every day.
-Run hard during your 3 mile run.

-Run sprints or hills or few days a week.

-Make sure you stretch.

-Push yourself to your limits
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