Saturday, July 31, 2010

Help, Tips, Advice .. I'm Desperate?

Desperately need ideas for a 3 year anniversary gift for my boyfriend.

Its in a weeks time and he doesn't have much money this month so we decided we would just go out an skip gifts.

But he does so much for me an buys me loads all the time, he calls me his Princess and really treats me like one.

What can I get him or do to show my appreciation?Help, Tips, Advice .. I'm Desperate?
Putting your fave pic together in a frame, planned evening with his favourite home cooked dinner? Help, Tips, Advice .. I'm Desperate?
a fake crown, scepter or some such royal thing and write on the note 'if i am your princess, then you are my king'

A few years ago for a boyfriend we didn't have any money and joked that it would be lovely to go to paris for an v'day. So i dressed my uni room up like a fancy restaurant...printed the Eiffel tower out and made it look in the distance and put some pillows on the floor, red and white tea towels over it to look like a table, a candle and some rose petals (cheap as it was valentines DAY itself so knocked off) and we had a Mcdonalds lol

write him a letter telling him everything you appreciate him for and how much you love him. Make him a gift of pictures of you both in an album or a collage in a frame. Personal things mean a lot more than bought gifts

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