Thank you so much:)!Labor tips/advice for mommies..?
Do you get bad period cramps? I've always had painful periods with really intense cramps. So truthfully, for me the contractions felt like a variation of that. I say variation because it's not exactly the same and having your stomach turn into a hard ball with a little body inside is uncomfortable and changes the dynamics a bit (I'm sure you've been having some Braxton Hicks by now so know the feeling I'm talking about).
I suspect that woman who find the contractions unbearable have not ever experienced bad period cramps or symptoms so it's a complete shock and new feeling - one they haven't had years learning how to deal with.
I'm in my third pregnancy, and while every pregnancy is different and each woman is different, I've personally found that the whole process (pregnancy to birth) is generally like an amplified version of what you usually go through with your period (swollen sore boobs, headaches, cravings, breakouts, cramps, etc). Basically how your body reacts to the hormone changes.
If you've experienced pain before (who hasn't) you know how you handle it and hopefully you've found a way to deal with it. So just go in there as calm as you can, expecting it to hurt, but knowing you can handle it. Use things that usually calm you (music, massage, being with someone who has that effect on you, etc).
Having someone there who knows how you are in pain is also priceless as they are not only a support (like if you're quiet and don't want anyone to talk to or touch you), but can also handle all the nurses and doctors for you while you're working through the contractions.
And at the end of the day, if you really can't or don't want to handle the pain, there's nothing wrong with getting something like an epidural. I had one right at the end of both my labors.
Putting it in was painless (worst part is needing to lie completely still - which is not fun if you're having a contraction), painless during and painless after. Personally I would not get the other drugs as I hate that groggy, fuzzy head feeling they give you, I'd prefer to be alert.
I'm gonna be brave this third time and try it natural (I am hoping my baby will be more alert afterward to hopefully have more success with breastfeeding). In the end though, if it's just more than I want to handle, I'll ask for the epidural.
There's really no explaining that will take away the nerves of a first time mommy - the unknown is always scary and it's perfectly normal. Preparing yourself mentally and being surrounded by a loving person is the key to getting through it well. Good luck!
Labor tips/advice for mommies..?
I just gave birth on the 14th of October to my first baby a little girl. My husband and I took childbirth classes and they really helped to keep me relaxed during labor. I had to be induced at 37 weeks and 3 days due to severe preclampsia and I was extremely nervous about having my daughter. Once the induction had started and the contractions started picking up I breathed through them using the ';Hee-Hee-Hoo'; breathing technique. I used that for all of my contractions even the really bad ones towards the end.
The nursing staff where I gave birth did an excellent job of managing my pain for me. Anytime I said I could feel pain they immediately stepped in and gave me pain medication. I had 2 pain medications through my IV, an epidural and another pain medication through the epidural site when it was time to push.
Using pain medication labor pain wasn't that bad until the end when I went to push. That hurt extremely bad, and I started screaming uncontrollably until they gave me the 4th pain medication. Then after that I was okay. It also only took me less than 10 minutes once I started pushing to have my baby.
The only two things I can suggest is one to stay relaxed and calm as you can, and two if you have long hair take a hair tie! I forgot a hair tie and spent the whole 23 hours vomiting every where even in my hair! Gross!
Good luck to you and congrats on your baby!
It hurts but it's not a hurt that makes you think you're going to die, at least not for me. You might not keep calm if you haven't been practicing calming techniques already - you can pray, you can meditate, you can work on your breathing - all will help. But probably the best thing is believing that you can do this, and having your partner or whomever is there believe in your ability to give birth - it's the best help.
Oh don't let anybody's horror stories scare you. I am THE biggest pain baby in the world. A bee sting makes me consider suicide. I just gave birth three months ago and it was a cinch. It was completely painless. Of course I did have the epidural, which is a gift from God. Even the epidural didn't hurt like everyone says it does. The only thing I felt the whole time was some minor discomfort. It's funny, but the worst part of the whole thing was having the tape peeled off my back so that they could remove the needle. And that's the truth. =)
Don't be scared! Congratulations and good luck. It's a whoooole lot of fun.
I've heard walking makes an easy labor, so perhaps get on a treadmill or something for thirty minutes to an hour a day.
i didn't go to any classes and i was fine, i do do yoga from time to time and the breathing you learn in that helped me alot, just remember to breath... slowly. and it does hurt but its completely bearable, you body is designed to cope with the pain, if it gets too much you can always have the epidural, keep your options open, you don't know how you'll feel until you are going through it, you will be fine dont worry, see what happens when your in labour and go from there as anything you decide now may not be the case at the time.
Good luck x
Just remember that it does not last forever and at the end of the day you will have a beautiful baby girl in your arms.
I had a long and hard labor but when I saw them pull my baby boy out it was the best feeling ever. And can't wait to have another one !
* tip * Get the Epi, why go threw all that pain if you don't have to. Enjoy your labor. And the epi did not hurt at all.
I was in labor for 12 hours and didn't dilate past a 3, but I will say that, to me, contractions felt like really bad menstrual cramps (or really bad cramps before you get really sick). Just stay calm. Don't tense up, that just makes it worse. Try slow deep breathes. They had to do a c-section for me, so I don't know about the pain from pushing.
Have you taken a childbirth class? If not, I would strongly recommend one. The class will tell you what to expect, and teach you methods of coping with the contractions.
If there's no time for a class, look for books and DVDs that will teach you the basics.
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