Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ways to help dilation- any advice/tips?

100% thinned cervix (its ready!) and about 2cm dilated.

I'm 39wks3days and I was wondering if there were any ways to naturally dilate. I know my baby will come when she's well and ready, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to try a few methods. I've done the sex thing, pineapple, being more active, etc... I do not want to try castor oil... too many horror stories.

Any advice ^_^?Ways to help dilation- any advice/tips?
3rd baby ...3rd time going over due 1 week and 1 day overdue and from passed experience from someone who has tried everything under the sun.....more than ....NOTHING WILL WORK!! UNLESS YOU AND THE BABY ARE READY.Ways to help dilation- any advice/tips?
I asked my doctor yesterday and she told me to walk walk walk - she said walking and sex are the best things you can do. I also asked her about pineapple and she told me she's never heard of that helping - but I figure I'm not hurting anything so I'm going to keep eating tons of pineapple, just in case it does work! Good luck and congrats on your little one!
Try the pressure points for pregnancy. You can look them up more detailed on Google. There is one between the webbing of your thumb and pointer finger and one on your calf. Also, try nipple stimulation. Your cervix doesn't have to open any more right now. When you go into labor, that is when it will do most of it's work. You just need to get labor started. Good luck :)
this is goint to sound like the weirdest advice but i was tolod by my consultant to rub my nipples as this stimulates the milk glands producing a hormone to start off labour naturaly. good luck with impending motherhood
girl ive been walking and having sex for two weeks now, ive been 2 cm that long. my due date is tomorrow and it just seems like im gonna be prego forever!! honestly i dont think there is anything we can really do to bring on our labor. best of luck to you!! hope we go soon!
I know it sound weird,

But try sitting on an exercise ball with your legs open,

And just roll around on it.

I don't know how it works-

I just read it in a pregnancy book.鈾aith
Walk, drink lots of water, yoga

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