Saturday, August 21, 2010

Socialization Tips/Advice?

Hi, I just got the most adorable chihuahua puppy and I was wondering if there was any tips on how to socialize her with other dogs and people? I live across the street from a off-leash dog park so she will have plenty of time to try.

I just want some advice on HOW to socialize her. I just want her to be a good dog when she grows up =) Socialization Tips/Advice?
Socialisation does NOT mean taking your puppy to a dog park to play.

Socialisation is exposing the dog to as many real life and everyday situations and places as possible!!

Get your dog to meet as many new people and dogs as possible, visit as many different places as possible (from a busy high street to a walk in the country side) and encounter as many REAL day situations as possible.

When your dog is old enough enroll her in OB classes. This is a must and teaches the dog “good manners”

Good luck with your new pup. A properly socialised and trained dog will bring you many years of joy.Socialization Tips/Advice?
If you have a PetSmart or PetCO nearby, take your dog there. The people who work there are pretty good about giving dogs attention and other people bring their dogs there to socialize too. You can also sign up for all sorts of classes, including first aid and basic training.

I wouldn't go to the dog park either. Not just because your little guy could get hurt but because diseases run through a dog park like a cold runs through a kindergarten class. And puppies are still building their immune system so they are more likely to catch stuff than an adult dog.

And good for you for wanting to socialize your dog - I wish all dog owners were as aware of what it takes to be a good human to a dog.
Don't take her to the dog park. That is a prime place for rude dogs with ignorant owners to act like jerks to your pup. Definately take your dog everywhere you can and encourage them to meet all people and other dogs on leash. Try to leave each experiance positively. Dogs don't have to play to get along, just a quick sniff and a lot praising from you can be plently good enough. DON'T carry her around. Let her walk just like any other dog and experiance things from that level so she knows just how big all the people and dogs she meets really are.
I do not recommend dog parks especially for tiny chi's. You do not know if the other dogs have been vaccinated and with such a tiny dog it would only take one second for another dog to think it prey or even just jump on it in play and kill it.

Take her to puppy class. let her play with lots of dogs you know are safe and supervise them. (the tiny dogs need watching when playing with other dogs). don't carry her everywhere but let her be a dog.

My dog is just 6 1/2 lbs yet she plays regularly with full grown german shepherds and rotts. and loves all people and dogs. But I supervise her because of her size.
a great way to socialize your dog, is to do puppy class and then obedience class later on. Also since you live close to a dog park, that is a great way, but please make sure she has all of her vaccinations.
here is a good way:

u need to interduce ur dog 2 just one other dog @ first (by themselves) and then after that, 2 dogs, 3 dogs, ect. then she will be ready 4 the world!

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